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How to make the best Pizza Dough at Home? –

How to make the best Pizza Dough at Home? –

Here is the perfect guide that will helps you to make the perfect pizza dough recipe at home .This will helps you to make your favourite flavoured pizza dough as like in restaurant at home.

Hey every one I am sharing all of our secrets to you about our family’s favourite pizza dough. It takes just a few simple ingredients to make a restaurant quality Pizza Dough at home . That is chewy , crispy and super tasty.

 Now days pizza is one of the best fast food in all over the world . Really it is the most tasty and healthy food . We all love the restaurants pizza which is prepared by the special cook but what about the home made pizza recipe . Yes don’t be confused we can really prepare such sweet pizza in our home with out any problems.  So presenting the best method to make dough pizza at home by what .com .
How to make the best Pizza Dough at Home? –

Pizza Dough Ingredients..

1 1\4 cups warm water ( 300 ml) 105°- 110° F.
1/ 2 TSP active dry yeast.
1 TSP honey. 
½ TSP fine sea salt. 
3 and 1/3 cups all purpose flour (420grams)   

Let’s start :

1) To make pizza dough you need 300ml water not so hot and not so cold about 110° F . Add half a tablespoon of fine sea salt and 1 teaspoon of honey then stir those together to dissolve . Sprinkle the top with half a teaspoon of active dry yeast and set it aside for about five minutes .

2) Meanwhile fill a large mixing bowl with 3and 1/3 cups or 420 grams of all purpose flour . Create a well in the centre for pouring the liquid .

3) Give  that yeast mixture a quick stir and pour it over the flour .

4) Now mix it together with dry clean hands  after that kned the dough vey carefully for about 2 – 3 minutes .

5) The dough will feel pretty stick to your hand but when you touch it with clean and dry finger lip it should barely sticky .

6) Next cover the Dough with a plastic rapper and let it ride the temperature for about 5-6 hours . But make sure that it never goes more than 110°F .

7) Once the dough has doubled the size generously sprinkle some amount of flour over it and scrape the dough out onto the floured surface.

8) Now divide your Doug into two equal parts . This recipe makes to 10 – 12 inch pizza crust .

9) Now fold each piece of dough eight times into the centre part as same as folding your books .

10) Now  make the dough ball shaped . This is so satisfying process.

11) Transfer each pieces of dough to a lightly oiled Bowl.

12) Now cover the bowl by plastic wrap and refrigerate  it for at least 24 hours and up to 5 days it depends on you . 

13) It really develops the flavour in the dough and also helps the dough to occur  some small bubbles . It is so easy and truly make ahead recipe . This is call cold formentation stage .This is how fancy restaurant prepare theirs pizza dough .

14) Transfer that room temperature dough onto a  well floured work surface lightly and start forming your dough by gently pushing it toward the centre with your finger tips. 

15) Now lift the dough and make sure there is enough flour on it to avoid sticking to your hands .

16) To form the pizza crust ,roll the dough  over your knuckles. Now create a well sized pizza which should be a little bit thinner at the centre than it’s edge. After that you will notice the big bubbles in the crust .

17) Make sure that you don’t pop-up them. Now your pizza looks professional and quality. 

18) Every time be sure that it your Doug is not sticking in yours hands.

19) Now our Pizza crust is formed and we are ready for some toppings.

20) If you love red pizza sauce and creamy white sauce then you can use it depends on your taste you can use any sauce according to your taste .

21) Sprinkle a generous amount of good mozzarella cheese if you like (optional).

22) Just before the pizza goes into the hot oven , I like to give a quick shake to make sure it’s not sticking.

23) Transfer it to the hot pizza stone and bake at 550°F for 8-10 minutes . When it’s done the edge will be puffed and golden ,brown and cheese will be bubbling.

24) Transfer it into a bowl and let it cool slightly before serving .

25) Now at last you can serve your homemade delicious ,Crisp pizza recipe with your family .

(Note : If you have a pizza making kit than it will be much more easier but if you haven’t it will also work properly but you have to follow the instructions properly )

If you enjoy the delicious homemade 
Pizza don’t forgot to share this with your friends and family it is free of cost . Hope you guys like this simple method to make homemade dough pizza recipe . You can follow us in Facebook and other social medias platforms. Thanks for enjoying the pizza making process With us .

